Thursday 7 August 2014

Good Morning Pranayama

Here's what I just did;

- Alternate nostril breathing with holds on the in breath and the out breath. As I breathed in I said to me self "I am a good person" as I held I repeated that, as I exhaled I repeated that. It became my mantra and my counter/timer.

- Then I did Lion's Breath; inhaled up through my Chakra's and told myself "I am a good person". On exhale with tongue out I though "every day in every day I am getting better, so relax".

- Then I did I forget what it's called, the one where you pump your stomach. On in breath I thought "people love me because I am a good person". Then count 10 pumps. Then out breath think "everyday in every way I am getting better, so relax."

Total time = 20 mins

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