Tuesday 5 August 2014

Why I have so much time for this right now!

Yes, clearly I currently have a lot of time on my hands.

Well, up until a month ago, I had three jobs and was working like a maniac.

One job at the gym, where I teach a yoga/pilates/thai chi fitness class, and a dance fitness class. That is enough for rent, and it is basically a fun way to stay fit and get some free/discount gym passes for me and my family. It is not a career.

Then for the past 3 years I was working at a little start up company. I was a private contractor. I helped grow the business by creating a very good reputation in my field there. By this past winter, we were exploding with clients who wanted my services there, and I literally had no extra time to take anyone on. So how does my boss repay me for 3 years or service with no raise? By trying to pay me less. LESS! Like 15 minutes less per hour. Ha! Thanks, but no. So I quit.

It's not like I couldn't use the money. We are saving for property, kids, you know, what 32 year olds save for. It's not like I didn't even LOVE my job. But I already knew something had to give. I knew it was coming from somewhere. So, there it was. Luckily I have been so busy working on everything that I have barely spent any money, so I have a bit of a savings, and fiancé still has his job, so we will survive.

I also have private clients, and that is what I am working to expand now. I have about 12, but since it is summer, business is slow.

I ALSO have a dream, and in that dream I think lie some answers. I have been much more active in my dream in the past, but I am thinking that neglecting my dream is not healthy.

I am ALSO working on two performance exams in my field. One is on Aug 23 and is the first like it that I have done. The other is very high level and I hope to register for the January session, assuming I am ready by then! I have already been working on it for 1.5 years.

The extra time is clearly needed though if I am going to do this experiment on changing my life and my health.

Just wanted to explain why I will be spending so much time meditating and breathing, a luxury I certainly haven't had for the past 3 years!

With love,

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