Monday 4 August 2014

Today's Chakra Meditation

I decided I should start really tuning into the Chakras. I should full on hippie out and write down  the sensations and images they produce when I focus on them and breathe into them. This way I can note any progress.

Root - not a lot of sensation, feels a little blocked/stressed/tight. - Hm, unremarkable I suppose.

Sacral - hypersensitive, the seat of perfectionism, self judging, not allowed to just be without the need to look and feel perfect, embarrassed by lack of perfection, desire to be loved. - WOAH! Quite unexpectedly bad.

Solar Plexus - extremely tight, locked up, hard to breath into, does not want to let go for expansion, awareness to it brings instant feeling of anxiety with a racing heart, breathing into it for a few minutes creates almost pain/ cramping/spasming. - Expectedly terrible.

Heart - instant feeling of light-headedness, vision of sitting atop fluffy white clouds, a bit tight, hard to expand chest on inhalation, sensation of spinning at an uneven speed, strange feeling in throat on exhalation, dizziness like going to fall over. - Expectedly dysfunctional.

Throat - a lot of sensation instantly, strong energy, focus brings opening, throbbing in throat, throbbing lymph nodes. - Better than I expected?

Third Eye - instant intense sensation, practically a headache in my forehead, self doubt and guilt, pain is very strong but goes away when I shift focus. - Was not expecting the pain, I thought this one was doing alright.....

Crown - feeling of being pulled up my a magnet, felt in scalp, ears, non-stop buzzing like a scalp massage. - Thank goodness one of out seven doesn't feel like a total disaster.

OOPS - almost forgot to add that after going through each individual Chakra, I breathe in deeply and go up though each Chakra until I am above my head, and then exhale and go back down until I am under my body. I do this a few times to try to get the Chakras to harmonize their spinning? I am not sure on the science, but I think this is how I activate my kundalini? Perhaps I will look more into it later. Regardless, as I was doing this, I started thinking about my past and longing for the healthier digestive system that I used to have. Specifically I was reminiscing on old parties with friends that I lost through my break-up, and how I would have so much fun drinking my favourite bevy, Guinness. NO L, no past thinking allowed. No living in the past. No pity parties for myself. I redirect my thinking to a present full of gratitude for all that I have right now, and the excitement of the beautiful future to come. I spend a few minutes repeating these ideas to myself; the present is perfect, the future is exciting. And then I open my eyes.

Total Time = 27 minutes.

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