Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Improvements In Mood and Sleep

I have been quite depressed over the last few months, which is not like me. I have always been happy, optimistic, creative, and ready for some fun.

See, my symptoms have gotten worse. I have quite a bit of burning sensations these days in the stomach/upper intestines, especially when I eat acidic foods. This might seem like an obviously result, but for a long time I could put a squeeze of lemon on my stir fry without it resulting in 2 days of feeling like I have an ulcer. This happens also with food that is too salty, spicey, or sour, like my beloved homemade yogurt.

Also, I did not get my period for 2 months. That was freaky. I did a liver flush, and it came back, although it has been a week late, as in a 5 week cycle, each time. I used to be 28 days on the dot. Now the last two periods have been more like 33 day cycles.

I can also no longer eat cauliflower, brussel sprouts or boy choy as they give me too much SIBO like gas. Also my cherished dandelion juice, which I used to use to help my liver, and boy did it ever, well it gave me a full on SIBO attack this spring.

So, it has been hard not to feel stressed when it seems like I am going backwards, despite my best (physical) attempts to get over this. Not improving would be preferable, obviously, to getting worse. So it's been quite depressing, and I've gotten quite negative.

The last few days I am have felt a shift in my mood though, and my ability to sleep properly. I used to always get up too early with racing thoughts and then not be able to get back to sleep. Lately though I have been sleeping for 8 hours very soundly, usually only having to get up to pee once, rather than twice if not three times.

Also, I feel more calm, and I feel my sense of humour returning. I feel a return to my old positive self, which is such a relief. It's not 100%, but it's good to know that it is still in there. I was feeling like I couldn't remember who I really am.

The MindFit is definitely helping, as is the meditation. I am also just really trying to redirect my negative thoughts and keep them positive.

I watched a Brian Tracey video on Youtube last week, and he was talking about never using the word "problem"; always call it an opportunity or a challenge instead. I like that, and that is how I have been trying to frame my current "opportunity"! It is an opportunity for me to become a master of my own mind!

It also has been fun to see that people are actually reading this blog! Please feel free to comment and say hi if you want; I'd love to know what your SIBO experience is.

With love,

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